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Zload and File Extensions

Posted: 28 October 2006, 5:22 AM
by Don_Kirby
Using the ZLoad dll and VB6, I'v put together a nice little update utility for my ZX based product. It retrieves the required file from the internet, archives any older versions found on the user's computer, and then downloads the file to the device. Don, the utilities you offer for this kind of thing are far superior to any of your competitors'.

That said, I have a question.

Although my end users most likely won't have the ZX IDE installed, I would like to change the file extension (.zxb) to something more fitting to the product, as well as to avoid any confusion if the user did happen to have the IDE installed. VB6 code aside, is this something that I can do? Is it acceptable to make this kind of modification, and if so, what would need to be changed?


Re: Zload and File Extensions

Posted: 28 October 2006, 9:25 AM
by dkinzer
Don_Kirby wrote:I would like to change the file extension (.zxb) to something more fitting to the product, as well as to avoid any confusion if the user did happen to have the IDE installed. VB6 code aside, is this something that I can do? Is it acceptable to make this kind of modification, and if so, what would need to be changed?
You may change the extension of the downloadable file to whatever you wish. You can either rename the file manually or tell the compiler the name of the output file using the compiler option --out=<file>.

The downloader DLL itself does not care what the extension is. It will attempt to download any file that you specify. It does inspect the contents to ensure that it is in the proper format before attempting to download.

On the other hand, the GUI apps (the IDE and the downloader sample) are sensitive to the extension. They both expect the downloadable file to have a .zxb extension. There is no way to change that at present but it doesn't sound like that will affect what you're trying to do.

Posted: 28 October 2006, 13:36 PM
by Don_Kirby
Gee, that was easy.

On a slightly related topic..

After going through the trouble of branding all of the components (hardware and software) for my product, I still need to give credit where credit is due. Are there any ZBasic logos that I can use in my documentation (i.e. ZBasic Inside™)?


Posted: 28 October 2006, 13:49 PM
by dkinzer
Don_Kirby wrote: need to give credit where credit is due. Are there any ZBasic logos that I can use in my documentation (i.e. ZBasic Inside™)?

There is no requirement to refer to ZBasic in your product documentation, marketing collateral, etc. You may do so if you wish, however.

If you do mention ZBasic and/or ZX-44a, etc. it is both necessary and sufficient to indicate that those names are trademarks of Elba Corp. You may also include a link to the website: