What I will need to be able to do is use a single push button to preform 2 seperate functions. If I push the button for less than a second then it turns the power to the unit on. If I hold the same button for more then 3 seconds then it will enable a seperate function.
I know there are multiple ways to do this. I am looking for suggestions on the most efficient way.
The code below is what I am currently using to check the switch to turn the power on.
Private PowerButtonTaskStack(1 to 120) as Byte
CallTask PowerButtonTask, PowerButtonTaskStack
'Check to see if the start button has been pressed
Sub PowerButtonTask()
' wait for a button press
Call WaitForInterrupt(zxPinFallingEdge, 0)
' toggle the device state
Call PutPin(RelayPin, IIf(deviceIsOn, Power_off, Power_On))
deviceIsOn = Not deviceIsOn
If deviceIsOn = False then
Call LCD_Init
end if
' Time delay for switch debounce
Call Delay(0.400) '400mS time delay
End Sub
5) Check the RTC timer and subtract the last value. This is how long it was depressed.
6) You might delay a debounce period after this
Another technique might be like this:
1)check to see if button is depressed.
2) wait 1 second and check button state.
3) If new state is NOT depressed, then what? Not applicable if less than 1 sec?
4) if it is still depressed then wait for 2 more seconds and check button state.
5) If it is now NOT depressed then it was a "short" press.
6) If is is still depressed, then it is a "Long" press.
I would not bother to use a wait for interrupt function for the button state checking, but I might use it to wait for the initial button press. I would use a delay or sleep functon to get the waits within the discrimination function.
You may want more discrimination:
if press < 1 second = nothing happens
if 1<press<2 then it is "short"
if 2<press<3 then nothing
if press>3 then "long"
To do this you would just do some checking at the pertinent points in time. Debouncing may not be necessary because if you are in the middle of a bounce cascade and get a spuriously "depressed" reading when the user has JUST released the button, then they did it JUST a little too late and it counts as a longer button press.
With this technique, you can not be sure there were not MULTIPLE press and releases within the 3 second window. But if the user wants to go crazy on the button, then that is just too bad for them.