(8 data bits, even parity, 2 stop bits at 115000.)
my problem is that no appear 2 stop bits y and alters the output bit
will have some problem with the progracion, which may be the error?
the z24 has a max232 connected, the images are a departure max232,view photo 8-p-1 (1 bit stop) and 8-p-2 (2 bit stop).
Code: Select all
Const txPin as Byte = 11
Const channel as Byte = 2
Dim oq(1 to 40) as Byte
Dim b as Byte
Dim i as Byte
Dim Bstop as Byte
Sub Main()
b=75 'letter K in ascii
' initialize the queues
Call OpenQueue(oq)
' define the characteristics of the serial channel ,( channel 2,no Rx,only tx,8bitdata and 2bit parity even,bit stop)
Call DefineCom(2, 0,txPin, &H38,Bstop)
' open the serial channel
Call OpenCom(2, 115600, 0, oq)
'output port serie com2 micro
Call PutQueue(oq,b,1)
Call PutQueue(oq,b,1)