OK... so the only pin that I'm not allowed to use as a slave select... is the piece of hardware dedicated to that purpose?! There is even a terminal on the end of the board for SS - why is it there, if I am not supposed to use it? I must have missed something!Note that any general purpose I/O pin of the device may be used as the slave select pin except for the SS pin of the device.
The ZX-24x does not have any memory that uses the SPI port, so it seems like it would be harmless enough for me to use it as intended.
If I am in fact allowed to use the SS pin for SS purposes (with the ZX-24x being the master), how can I specify it in the OpenSPI() call?
Right now, I am invoking:
Code: Select all
OpenSPI( 1, 0, 11 )
Also, page 24 of the system library manual says there's a channel zero - to what terminals would SPI channel 0 be attached? In reality, when I hook up a scope to look at signals, channel 1 seems to be using the pins for channel 0 on that page 24 tabl=... I am very confused.
Any help appreciated.