I believe I've settled on a high-rate ADC solution - actually two.
Since the input in the project can include zero volts, this code corrects the zero-volt input (often offset by several tens of mV) via one of two methods. One method converts a pin connected to the ground plane and subtracts that value from the input conversion; the other uses differential ADC mode to effectively achieve the same result, but at half the resolution - but also at a faster rate since no time is required to convert the grounded pin.
I've placed the ADC setup code in InitADC(), run once; function readADC(pin) can then be called as required. Differential mode can select A.0 through A.3 as the negative input or, with a different CONVMODE setting in Register.ADCA_CTRLB, A.4 through A.7. I chose and grounded A.1 since A.0 can be used as an external vRef - although I continue to have some difficulty with that mode when trying to use Vcc as vRef (
see edit below). I've reverted to Vcc/1.6 vRef.
The single-ended method converts at ~57kHz; the differential method converts at ~83kHz.
Code: Select all
' ZX-24x
#define Differential
const pinInput as Byte = A.7 ' ZX-24x pin 14
const pinVcc as byte = A.0 ' 20 ' Vcc reference
const pinZero as Byte = A.1 ' 19 ' 0v reference
const Vcc as single = 3.25
const vref as Single = Vcc / 1.6
#ifdef Differential
const fs as single = 4096.0 / 2.0 ' +/-2048
const fs as single = 4096.0
dim SpinCount as long, ivalp1 as integer
dim ReadSpinTaskStack(1 to 100) as byte
Sub Main()
dim StartCount as long, StopCount as long, ivalp2 as integer
CallTask ReadSpinTask, ReadSpinTaskStack
Startcount = SpinCount
End Atomic
Call Sleep(1.0)
ivalp2 = ivalp1 ' copy ival from module level
StopCount = SpinCount
End Atomic
Debug.Print "Loops/Sec= "; CStr(StopCount - StartCount); " ival= "; cstr(ivalp2); " volts= "; fmt(vref * csng(ivalp2) / fs, 2)
End Sub
Sub ReadSpinTask()
Dim ival as Integer
Call InitADC()
#ifdef Differential
ival = readADC(pinInput)
ival = readADC(pinInput) - readADC(pinZero) ' 0v offset correction
ivalp1 = ival ' copy ival to module level
SpinCount = SpinCount + 1
End Atomic
Call Sleep(0)
End Sub
Sub InitADC()
Register.ADCA_PRESCALER = 2 ' divide-by-16
#ifdef Differential
Register.ADCA_CTRLB = &H10 ' differential signed
Register.ADCA_CH0_CTRL = &H02
Register.ADCA_CTRLB = &H00 ' single-ended unsigned
Register.ADCA_CH0_CTRL = &H01
Register.ADCA_REFCTRL = &H10 ' vref= Vcc/1.6 = 2.06v
Register.ADCA_CH0_INTFLAGS = &H01 ' clear flag
Register.ADCA_CTRLA = &H01 ' enable ADC
'Call Sleep(1) ' settle
End Sub
Function readADC(byval pin as byte) as integer
' select pin(s)
#ifdef Differential
Register.ADCA_CH0_MUXCTRL = (Shl(PortBit(pin), 3) And &H38) Or (PortBit(pinZero) And &H03)
Register.ADCA_CH0_MUXCTRL = Shl(PortBit(pin), 3) And &H38
Register.ADCA_CTRLA = &H05 ' start channel 0
Do While Not CBool(Register.ADCA_CH0_INTFLAGS And &H01) ' wait for conversion
readADC = cint(Register.ADCA_CH0_RES) ' result
Register.ADCA_CH0_INTFLAGS = &H01 ' clear flag
End Function
Code: Select all
Loops/Sec= 83305 ival= 1685 volts= 1.67
Loops/Sec= 57241 ival= 3335 volts= 1.65
Later edit:
Vcc as vRef via AREFA (-24x,u pin 20) won't work; the maximum AREFA voltage is Vcc-0.6v on these parts.