Which port pin to use with poor rise/fall time signal
Posted: 23 July 2006, 21:15 PM
On the Mega32 or 644, which port pins would be best to use for a pulsed signal with poor rise and fall times? Goal is to have an edge-triggered port-pin change interrupt.
In the photo, the scope is 1mSec per division. The waveform is used to switch an opto-isolator on/off - this pulse is sent through a 5.1V Zener then to the isolator's LED (via a 220Ohm resistor). The scope vertical is 1V/div. The opto-isolator's transistor's collector connects to some pin on the AVR, with internal pull-up resistor enabled for that pin. Maybe the transfer function of the 4N25 opto-isolator makes this a non-issue.
In the photo, the scope is 1mSec per division. The waveform is used to switch an opto-isolator on/off - this pulse is sent through a 5.1V Zener then to the isolator's LED (via a 220Ohm resistor). The scope vertical is 1V/div. The opto-isolator's transistor's collector connects to some pin on the AVR, with internal pull-up resistor enabled for that pin. Maybe the transfer function of the 4N25 opto-isolator makes this a non-issue.