Code: Select all
Const redLED as Byte = 25
Const grnLED as Byte = 26
Const rxPin As Byte = 7
Const txPin As Byte = 8
Const ComPort As Byte = 3
Dim iQ3(1 to 40) as Byte
Dim oQ3(1 to 40) as Byte
Sub Main()
' Turn LED off
Call PutPin(redLED, zxOutputHigh)
Call PutPin(grnLED, zxOutputHigh)
Call OpenQueue(iQ3, SizeOf(iQ3))
Call OpenQueue(oQ3, SizeOf(oQ3))
Call DefineCom(ComPort, rxPin, txPin, &H08)
Call OpenCom(ComPort, 19200, iQ3, oQ3)
Call PutQueueStr(oQ3, "RED")
Call PutPin(redLED, zxOutputLow)
Call Delay(0.5)
Call PutPin(redLED, zxOutputHigh)
Call PutQueueStr(oQ3, "Green")
Call PutPin(grnLED, zxOutputLow)
Call Delay(0.5)
Call PutPin(grnLED, zxoutputHigh)
End Sub
on the debug console. BTW, if I use Com1 and pin 1 I get the correct data..«×£SÓ«×£SÓ
This seems so simple... I'm running 1.3vm and 1.3.2 ide
..tks Jay