EEPROM support

Discussion specific to the DIP and TQFP packaged ZX devices like the ZX-40, ZX-44, ZX-32 and ZX-328 series. The differences between these devices is primarily the packaging and pinout so most issues will apply to all devices.
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EEPROM support

Post by samncw »

Need some help please with the type of eeprom that is suitable for the ZX40.
Is there a list of suitable eeproms.
I am from Ireland and Farnell do not seem to have the 2 types of eeprom that is recommended in the manual.

It is not feasible to get these from England or America.

Would appreciate any help.

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Re: EEPROM support

Post by mikep »

samncw wrote:Need some help please with the type of eeprom that is suitable for the Z40.
I am from Ireland and Farnell do not seem to have the 2 types of eeprom that is recommended in the manual.
I don't live in the UK but perhaps you can try Digikey in Ireland ( The part number is AT25256A-10PI-2.7-ND and costs 0.97 Euros.
Mike Perks
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Post by dkinzer »

The EEPROM device must have an SPI interface and be capable of running at 7.5MHz or more. Additionally, it must have the same command set as the AT25256A. It is preferred to use devices that are byte-writable but page-writable devices can also be used. The preferred page size is 64 bytes but larger page sizes can be used also.

The following chips are known to work:
Atmel AT25256A
Atmel AT25HP512
Ramtron FM25256

The following have specifications that suggest that they should work:
Atmel AT25F512A
Catalyst 25C256
Microchip 25AA256, 25LC256
ST Micro M95256, M95512
- Don Kinzer
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