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Migrating ZX24 projects to ZX44 projects
Posted: 01 August 2006, 14:18 PM
by mdown
I am having trouble finding a zx44 pin correlation to a zx24. Up until now our application has been written for a zx24 and we are in the process of designing a new board for the zx44. A pin to pin comparison with the valid pin names for the compiler would be very handy. I found most of the pin data in the schematics. However I am not sure how say pin 32/PA5/ADC5 maps to the zbasic language. Is getadc(32) correct? And what pins are avalable as gpios vs i2c ect.
Posted: 01 August 2006, 16:18 PM
by dkinzer
The pin numbers for the ZX-40 and ZX-44 are those of the package itself. One way to neatly handle the differences is to use a port/pin constant like A.5. The compiler maps this to the corresponding pin number based on the specified target CPU. For example, the compiler converts A.5 to the value 13 if you compile for the ZX-24. If compiling for the ZX-44, the compiler converts A.5 to the value 32.
Other pins that are confusing
Posted: 01 August 2006, 16:30 PM
by mdown
On the zx24 schematic pins 41 & 26 are tied creating zx24 pin 5 why was this done and do I need do the same? There are several like this.
Posted: 06 September 2006, 17:32 PM
by dkinzer
Sorry for the tardy reply, I overlooked this post somehow.
Because of the limited number of pins available on the ZX-24 some of the functions are doubled up on some pins. With the ZX-40 and ZX-44 those connections are unnecessary.