Having trouble interfacing LP CMOS to ZX40
Posted: 28 October 2006, 7:54 AM
I read the app note, and I think I'm going to need a transistor switch to do this, but I'll ask the question anyway. I'd like to be able to just find the right pull-up value if that's possible.
What I have is an A6821 (http://www.allegromicro.com/datafile/6821.pdf) that I'm trying to read the serial output from. The datasheet doesn't indicate what the source/sink current is for the output (only that is low power CMOS), and with nothing connected to it, the voltmeter indicates that it's working properly. However, when I hook this up to the ZX40, if the pin is set to zxInputPullup, the read alwas reaturns a 1 (and the VM verifies that), so the 6821 clearly can't sink enough current. If I change the pin to zxInputTristate, it always reads 0 (can't source enough tto change the ZX input).
I'm pretty sure that I could put a transistor switch in and get it to work, but the board real estate is asking for only a pull-up resistor if possible. Any suggestions?
BTW, everything on the logic side is running at the std. 5V supply. The "drive" side of the 6821 is driving some 12V relays.
What I have is an A6821 (http://www.allegromicro.com/datafile/6821.pdf) that I'm trying to read the serial output from. The datasheet doesn't indicate what the source/sink current is for the output (only that is low power CMOS), and with nothing connected to it, the voltmeter indicates that it's working properly. However, when I hook this up to the ZX40, if the pin is set to zxInputPullup, the read alwas reaturns a 1 (and the VM verifies that), so the 6821 clearly can't sink enough current. If I change the pin to zxInputTristate, it always reads 0 (can't source enough tto change the ZX input).
I'm pretty sure that I could put a transistor switch in and get it to work, but the board real estate is asking for only a pull-up resistor if possible. Any suggestions?
BTW, everything on the logic side is running at the std. 5V supply. The "drive" side of the 6821 is driving some 12V relays.