Discussion of issues related specifically to writing code for native mode devices. This includes ZBasic code as well as assembly language code and C code, both inline and standalone.
Option TargetDevice ZX24s ' Works fine with ZX24r
Dim SeppoS as single
Sub Main()
Debug.Print fmt(Timer,1);" ";
If Timer - SeppoS >= 0.25 then
Debug.Print "Timing : ";Timer-SeppoS
SeppoS = Timer
End if
Call PulseOut(0,0.02,0)
End Sub
kurakaira wrote:The RTC does not get updated correctly on native mode devices when using PulseOut.
Thanks for letting us know. The cause of the problem has been determined and it has been corrected. An updated version of the compiler, v4.3.2, is available on the Downloads Page.