A reference section in the documentation on common (or all) configuration options for the IDE would be helpful. I don't think I can keep track anymore of all the different ones available. The documentation contains limited information like section 5.7. When I followed the instructions in section 5.8, I didn't really receive much more info.
My personal preference is something similar to section 5 in the om128 user guide and reference - each option and any interaction with the rest of the UI is explained together with screen shots. The user guide could also contain a short tutorial - "Getting Started with ZBasic".
The IDE Help menu is a little confusing. I would expect the first item (labeled Help) to take me to help about the IDE - the application I'm using, or at least that section of the Reference Manual. The other menu item labeled "ZBasic IDE Help" seems a little redundant.
It may also be worthwhile to split out the usage information (sections 5, 6, and 7) into a user's guide type of document. The language and hardware reference material can then stay in the ZBasic Language Reference Manual.