Help error in IDE

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Help error in IDE

Post by victorf »

I was in the IDE and editing a program and pressed F1 for some help and got the following error message box:

ZBasic IDE
Error while launching
'"'file://D:ZBasicStuff\ZBasic\IDE\.. \doc\ZBasicRef.html"
The specified path was not found

The IDE was installed normally and I have not moved anything around. The installer placed ZBasicRef.html in D:\ZBasic Stuff\ZBasic\doc\ZBasicRef and, BTW, placed ZBasicSysLib in D:\ZBasic Stuff\ZBasic\doc\ZBasicSysLib . Is there a problem with the installer? The installed version of the IDE is 1.0.2.

I hate mucking with stuff like this but how do I recover? Can I just move the contents of folders ZBasicRef and ZBasicSysLib from the folder doc to the folder IDE?

The folder structure is exactly as the installer created it!

Any enlightenment will be appreciated

Vic Fraenckel
windswaytoo ATSIGN gmail DOT com
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Post by dkinzer »

The location of the language help file is specified in the Global Options file near line 245:

Code: Select all"file://$(SciteDefaultHome)\..\doc\ZBasicRef.html"
We don't know yet why this works correctly on some systems but not on others. For example, on my main development system (XP SP2) it works fine but on a laptop also running XP it does not. I suspect that the browser may have a problem with the "up directory" reference in the middle of the path.

As a temporary workaround, you can add a line to your User Options file to specify the direct path. For example, in your specific case, you could add this line:

Code: Select all"'file://D:ZBasicStuff\ZBasic\doc\ZBasicRef.html"
- Don Kinzer
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Location: Schenectady, New York

Post by victorf »

Here is the directory structure for my install:

Code: Select all

	ZBasic Stuff
I had to modify your suggested line as follows:"'file://D:ZBasic Stuff\ZBasic\doc\ZBasicRef\ZBasicRef.html"

The top level directory is ZBasic Stuff! However this did not work and I get the exact same error message except with the new path.

Any other suggestions? Right now I am getting around it by opening the ZBasicRef and ZBasicSysLib documentation in my FoxFire browser in two seperate tabs and looking up what I need there. I actually have no problem doing this. I just open contents.html for both docs.

Vic Fraenckel
windswaytoo ATSIGN gmail DOT com
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Post by dkinzer »

I think that the problem is that there should be a backslash following D:.

Code: Select all"'file://D:\ZBasic Stuff\ZBasic\doc\ZBasicRef.html"
Note that there is a file ZBasicRef.html in the doc directory. That's the one that should be used. There is another one in the ZBasicRef subdirectory but that one may not display the same.

Also, you might try changing the two forward slashes following file: to backslashes. In some applications, slash and backslash are treated the same in a filename; in others, not so. Most of the Windows APIs accept either.
- Don Kinzer
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Post by victorf »

I've tried everything you suggested with no luck. I even tried some of my own with the same results :(

Since it is not a major issue and has an easy work around, I'll stop pestering you :)

If there is a breakthrough please let me know.

Thanks for your help :D

Vic Fraenckel
windswaytoo ATSIGN gmail DOT com
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Post by TimC »

I had the same problem and solved it by changing the origional Help line mentioned above to:"file://C:\Program Files\ZBasic\doc\ZBasicRef.html"

The problem before was the additional ' to the left of file://

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Joined: 25 January 2006, 19:56 PM

help file

Post by zbasicandy »

It was a two part fix for me ..
Leave out the ' and add a \ after the drive letter.
user option file:"file://C:\program files\ZBasic\doc\ZBasicRef.html"
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