Passing multi-dimensioned array pointer

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Passing multi-dimensioned array pointer

Post by GTBecker »

I see that I cannot pass ByRef a 2x4 array of singles (a small Kalman covariance matrix), like

Sub Foo(ByRef Matrix(,) as single)
X = Matrix(1,2)

Can I pass a defined pointer and index the array in the sub, like

Sub Foo(ByVal MatrixPointer as something)
X = [MatrixPointer](1,2)

or something similar?
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Post by mikep »

See here for the explanation of how to modify multi-dimensional array values inside a function or subroutine: .It works by passing the address of the array and then define in the routine an array that is BASED on that address.

The example code compiles fine for ZVM devices. I do not have a ZBasic device handy to test the code on a ZVM device but it should work. The example code does not compile correctly for native mode devices. It looks like a back-end code generation problem that is creating incorrect code for the C compiler. We will probably need Don to investigate this.
Mike Perks
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Post by dkinzer »

The thread that Mike referred to contains several different examples. One that I think matches your requirement is shown below.

Code: Select all

Sub Main()
  Dim a(1 to 4, 1 to 10) as Single
  Call foo(a.DataAddress)
End Sub

Sub foo(ByVal addr as UnsignedInteger)
  Dim d(1 to 4, 1 to 10) as Single Based addr
  <code to access the array here>
End Sub
Note that there is some risk that the block of memory whose address is passed to the subroutine could be accessed in a manner that is incompatible with the original definition if the dimensions and/or type in the Based definition do not match those of the original array. The risk could be reduced somewhat by using defined constants for the array dimensions.
- Don Kinzer
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Post by GTBecker »

Thanks, gentlemen. That'll do it.
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Post by GTBecker »

Indeed, the Based method works fine for me. Thanks, again.
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Post by GTBecker »

Well, the Based method works fine on a ZX-24a but the back-end compile fails for the ZX-24n: "...c.105: error: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer".

I'm looking at the .c file. Line 105 is the first zv_NewCovars[1 - 1] = ...

Code: Select all

zf_KalmanPredict&#40;float *zp_RawGyro, float *zp_Rate, float *zp_Angle, float *zp_ProcessNoise, float *zp_GyroNoise, float *zp_Bias, float zp_dT, uint16_t zp_CovarsAddr&#41;
	float zv_NewCovars&#91;4&#93;;
	#define zv_Covars &#40;&#40;float *&#41;&#40;zp_CovarsAddr&#41;&#41;

	*zp_Rate = *zp_RawGyro - *zp_Bias;
	*zp_Angle = *zp_Angle + &#40;*zp_Rate * zp_dT&#41;;
	zv_NewCovars&#91;1 - 1&#93; = &#40;*zp_ProcessNoise - zv_Covars&#91;2 - 1&#93;&#91;1 - 1&#93;&#41; - zv_Covars&#91;1 - 1&#93;&#91;2 - 1&#93;;
	zv_NewCovars&#91;2 - 1&#93; = -zv_Covars&#91;2 - 1&#93;&#91;2 - 1&#93;;
	zv_NewCovars&#91;3 - 1&#93; = -zv_Covars&#91;2 - 1&#93;&#91;2 - 1&#93;;
	zv_NewCovars&#91;4 - 1&#93; = *zp_GyroNoise;
	zv_Covars&#91;1 - 1&#93;&#91;1 - 1&#93; = zv_Covars&#91;1 - 1&#93;&#91;1 - 1&#93; + &#40;zv_NewCovars&#91;1 - 1&#93; * zp_dT&#41;;
	zv_Covars&#91;2 - 1&#93;&#91;1 - 1&#93; = zv_Covars&#91;2 - 1&#93;&#91;1 - 1&#93; + &#40;zv_NewCovars&#91;2 - 1&#93; * zp_dT&#41;;
	zv_Covars&#91;1 - 1&#93;&#91;2 - 1&#93; = zv_Covars&#91;1 - 1&#93;&#91;2 - 1&#93; + &#40;zv_NewCovars&#91;3 - 1&#93; * zp_dT&#41;;
	zv_Covars&#91;2 - 1&#93;&#91;2 - 1&#93; = zv_Covars&#91;2 - 1&#93;&#91;2 - 1&#93; + &#40;zv_NewCovars&#91;4 - 1&#93; * zp_dT&#41;;
	#undef zv_Covars
Any hint there?
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Post by mikep »

GTBecker wrote:Well, the Based method works fine on a ZX-24a but the back-end compile fails for the ZX-24n: "...c.105: error: subscripted value is neither array nor pointer".
As I reported earlier in this thread:
mperks wrote:The example code does not compile correctly for native mode devices. It looks like a back-end code generation problem that is creating incorrect code for the C compiler. We will probably need Don to investigate this.
I did send a followup email to Don and he said he would investigate it. I do not have any further update at this point.
Mike Perks
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Post by GTBecker »

Sorry, Mike; I remembered that there was a mention of native mode compile there somewhere but looked for it in the thread you referred to, not your post. I'll wait for Don's examination. Thanks.
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Post by dkinzer »

GTBecker wrote:I'll wait for Don's examination.
Mike reminded me of this several days ago. I now remember having seen the problem report but I had forgotten about it in the interim. The problem is in the code generated to implement the based variable (using a #define) but it only occurs when the based variable has more than one dimension. I was able to correct the problem using a slightly more complicated strategy for the multi-dimensional case but it appears to be working satisfactorily.

I'll post a link to an experimental version containing the correction in a few days.
- Don Kinzer
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Post by dkinzer »

dkinzer wrote:I'll post a link to an experimental version containing the correction in a few days.
This issue has been corrected in an experimental release of the compiler: ...
- Don Kinzer
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Post by GTBecker »

Excellent. The technique appears to work fine on the ZX-24n now. Thanks, Don.
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