Code: Select all
#pragma warning(7:off)
' This code is intended to produce the data for a CRC lookup table
' in the form of an initialized ProgMem data table. The program
' is essentially a translation to ZBasic of the C code published
' by Ross Williams (see
' The code will only produce a suitable table for a CRC having
' Rocksoft model parameters refIn and refOut that are the same,
' either both True or both False. Only CRC widths 8, 16 and 32
' are supported.
' Once the program is configured (by modifying the Const definitions
' below), running it will output a 256-entry table. If you run
' this program in the ZBasic IDE, you can select the output using
' the mouse, copy it to the clipboard and then paste it into
' your program.
' This code is placed in the public domain by the author (Donald Kinzer)
' and may be used freely for any purpose. No warranty is made as to
' correctness nor as to suitability for any particular purpose. Use at
' your own risk.
'Rocksoft CRC model parameters
Private Const reflect as Boolean = False ' if the input (and output) are reflected
Private Const poly as UnsignedLong = &H31 ' the CRC polynomial
Private Const crcBits as Byte = 8 ' the number of bits in the CRC value
' output format control
Private Const hexFormat as Boolean = True ' if output shoud be in hexadecimal form
Private Const entriesPerLine as Byte = 16 ' number of entries per line in output
Sub Main()
If ((crcBits <> 8) And (crcBits <> 16) And (crcBits <> 32)) Then
Debug.Print "The CRC bit width must be 8, 16 or 32"
' generate the lookup table
Dim i as UnsignedInteger
Dim entry as UnsignedLong
Dim cnt as Byte = 0
For i = 0 to 255
' compute and output an entry
entry = computeEntry(CByte(i))
Call outputEntry(entry)
' emit spacing, EOL, etc.
cnt = cnt + 1
If (i = 255) Then
ElseIf (entriesPerLine > 1) And (cnt >= entriesPerLine) Then
Debug.Print ","
cnt = 0
Debug.Print ", ";
End If
Next i
End If
End Sub
'' computeEntry
' Compute the Nth entry of the CRC lookup table.
Private Function computeEntry(ByVal n as Byte) as UnsignedLong
Const bitMask as UnsignedLong = Shl(1, crcBits - 1)
' compute the value of the entry
Dim val as UnsignedLong
If (reflect) Then
val = CULng(FlipBits(n))
val = CULng(n)
End If
If (crcBits > 8) Then
val = Shl(val, crcBits - 8)
End If
Dim i as Byte
For i = 1 to 8
If ((val And bitMask) <> 0) Then
val = Shl(val, 1) Xor poly
val = Shl(val, 1)
End If
Next i
computeEntry = val
End Function
'' outputEntry
' Output an entry of the CRC lookup table.
Private Sub outputEntry(ByVal entry as UnsignedLong)
' output the entry
Select Case crcBits
Case 8 ' 8-bit CRC
Dim val as Byte = LoByte(entry)
If (reflect) Then
val = FlipBits(val)
End If
If (hexFormat) Then
Debug.Print "&H"; CStrHex(val);
Dim str as String = " " & CStr(val)
Debug.Print Right(str, 3);
End If
Case 16 ' 16-bit CRC
Dim val as UnsignedInteger = LoWord(entry)
If (reflect) Then
val = MakeWord(FlipBits(HiByte(val)), FlipBits(LoByte(val)))
End If
If (hexFormat) Then
Debug.Print "&H"; CStrHex(val);
Dim str as String = " " & CStr(val)
Debug.Print Right(str, 5);
End If
Case 32 ' 32-bit CRC
If (reflect) Then
Dim lo as UnsignedInteger = HiWord(entry)
Dim hi as UnsignedInteger = LoWord(entry)
lo = MakeWord(FlipBits(HiByte(lo)), FlipBits(LoByte(lo)))
hi = MakeWord(FlipBits(HiByte(hi)), FlipBits(LoByte(hi)))
entry = MakeDWord(lo, hi)
End If
If (hexFormat) Then
Debug.Print "&H"; CStrHex(entry);
Dim str as String = " " & CStr(entry)
Debug.Print Right(str, 10);
End If
End Select
End Sub