This is what I have read and done:
ZX-24PE - USART Serial Port
Com2 TX Pin 17 - connected to RX of LCD
Com2 RX Pin18 - connected to TX of LCD
Serial LCD+2 ... ide1.0.pdf
COM jumper is not installed, it is set up for non-inverted serial input
Initial power up test passed
The ZX24PE and Serial LCD+2 are running off the same 5V regulator. Here is the code snippet in my attempt to clear the LCD screen and put some text on it.
Code: Select all
Option Explicit
Const Clear_screen As Byte = 12
Const Position_Cursor As Byte = 16
Public Sub Main()
Dim Com_Out(1 To 40) As Byte
Dim Com_In(1 To 30) As Byte
Call OpenQueue(Com_Out, SizeOf(Com_Out))
Call OpenQueue(Com_In, SizeOf(Com_In))
'Call ComChannels(2, 9600) <- only needed for Com3 or greater
'Define pins for Com2 (RX = pin18, TX = pin17)
Call DefineCom(2, 18, 17, &H08)
Call OpenCom(2, 9600, Com_In, Com_Out)
'Wait for a bit
Call Delay(0.25)
'Clear LCD screen
Call PutQueuestr(Com_Out, Chr(Clear_Screen))
Call PutQueueStr(Com_Out, Chr(Position_Cursor) & Chr(0))
Call PutQueueStr(Com_Out, "Can you see me now?")
End Sub