I'm trying to port over a bunch of code onto the Zbasic platform. For most of the basic things I don't have much trouble, but I am having difficulties understanding how different variable types map between languages. I see things like "word" and "sword" and I have a great deal of difficulty understanding what the corresponding variable type would be in Zbasic. The source language in this case is Basic Micro.
I'm guessing some of these things will just require me to fully understand the source language to pull this off, but I was hoping there might be a more straightfoward way to map these things over. Here's a few examples:
Code: Select all
GetSin wordtable 0, 87, 174, 261, 348, 436, 523, 610, 697, 784, 871, 958, 1045, 1132, 1218, 1305, 1391, 1478, 1564, |
1650, 1736, 1822, 1908, 1993, 2079, 2164, 2249, 2334, 2419, 2503, 2588, 2672, 2756, 2840, 2923, 3007, |
3090, 3173, 3255, 3338, 3420, 3502, 3583, 3665, 3746, 3826, 3907, 3987, 4067, 4146, 4226, 4305, 4383, |
4461, 4539, 4617, 4694, 4771, 4848, 4924, 4999, 5075, 5150, 5224, 5299, 5372, 5446, 5519, 5591, 5664, |
5735, 5807, 5877, 5948, 6018, 6087, 6156, 6225, 6293, 6360, 6427, 6494, 6560, 6626, 6691, 6755, 6819, |
6883, 6946, 7009, 7071, 7132, 7193, 7253, 7313, 7372, 7431, 7489, 7547, 7604, 7660, 7716, 7771, 7826, |
7880, 7933, 7986, 8038, 8090, 8141, 8191, 8241, 8290, 8338, 8386, 8433, 8480, 8526, 8571, 8616, 8660, |
8703, 8746, 8788, 8829, 8870, 8910, 8949, 8987, 9025, 9063, 9099, 9135, 9170, 9205, 9238, 9271, 9304, |
9335, 9366, 9396, 9426, 9455, 9483, 9510, 9537, 9563, 9588, 9612, 9636, 9659, 9681, 9702, 9723, 9743, |
9762, 9781, 9799, 9816, 9832, 9848, 9862, 9876, 9890, 9902, 9914, 9925, 9935, 9945, 9953, 9961, 9969, |
9975, 9981, 9986, 9990, 9993, 9996, 9998, 9999, 10000
Code: Select all
BodyRotX var sbyte ;Global Input pitch of the body
BodyRotY var sbyte ;Global Input rotation of the body
BodyRotZ var sbyte ;Global Input roll of the body
PosX var sword ;Input position of the feet X
PosZ var sword ;Input position of the feet Z
PosY var sword ;Input position of the feet Y
RotationY var sbyte ;Input for rotation of a single feet for the gait
sinA4 var sword ;Sin buffer for BodyRotX calculations
cosA4 var sword ;Cos buffer for BodyRotX calculations
sinB4 var sword ;Sin buffer for BodyRotX calculations
cosB4 var sword ;Cos buffer for BodyRotX calculations
sinG4 var sword ;Sin buffer for BodyRotZ calculations
cosG4 var sword ;Cos buffer for BodyRotZ calculations
TotalX var sword ;Total X distance between the center of the body and the feet
TotalZ var sword ;Total Z distance between the center of the body and the feet
BodyIKPosX var sword ;Output Position X of feet with Rotation
BodyIKPosY var sword ;Output Position Y of feet with Rotation
BodyIKPosZ var sword ;Output Position Z of feet with Rotation