bit shifts of constants

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bit shifts of constants

Post by stevech »

does ZB have a compile-time operator, for constants, for left/right shift?

(1<<constant1) OR (1<<constant2)

shl(1, constant1) OR shl(1, constant2)

shl() is run-time, I suppose, unless the compiler's optimizer converts the above to a compile-time constant rather than using run time function calls despite the constants
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Re: bit shifts of constants

Post by dkinzer »

stevech wrote:does ZB have a compile-time operator, for constants, for left/right shift?
For many functions, including Shl and Shr, if the parameters are constant the compiler computes the result at compile-time. This can be seen, for example, by compiling this code:

Code: Select all

Dim b as Byte
Sub Main&#40;&#41;
    b = Shl&#40;1, 5&#41;
End Sub
which results in this intermediate C code (for native mode devices):

Code: Select all

static uint8_t mzv_b;
void zf_Main&#40;void&#41;
	mzv_b = 32;
or this VM code:

Code: Select all

            Sub Main&#40;&#41;
            	b = Shl&#40;1, 5&#41;
0019 1a20        PSHI_B         0x20 &#40;32&#41;
001b 204001      POPA_B         0x0140 &#40;320&#41;
            End Sub
001e 06          RET
- Don Kinzer
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Post by dkinzer »

I should have remarked that the same compile-time computation applies to expressions with constant operands, too, so your example of shl(1, constant1) OR shl(1, constant2) will evaluate to a constant at compile-time.
- Don Kinzer
Posts: 715
Joined: 22 February 2006, 20:56 PM

Post by stevech »

Thanks. I assume that applies as well where the storage is an I/O register

or SPI register, etc.
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Location: Portland, OR

Post by dkinzer »

stevech wrote:I assume that applies as well where the storage is an I/O register.
Yes. The use to which an expression's value is put is immaterial - the compiler will optimize an expression as much as it can, possibly reducing it to a constant value.
- Don Kinzer
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