I'm getting this Internal error.
>"C:\Program Files\ZBasic\zbasic.exe" --directory="C:\Program Files\ZBasic\MyZBasic\I2C-1/" --project="I2C_1.pjt"
Internal error: variable.cpp(1677), Rev 674: invalid type for increment, "ds1307_4.bas" line 104
>Exit code: 1
Here's the code that produces it.
Sub Scheduler()
Dim count_1 As Single 'This is line 104
Dim count_2 As Single
Dim Second As Single
Second = 50.0
count_1 = count_1 + 1.0
count_2 = count_2 + 1.0
if (count_1 = Second) then
Call Print()
count_1 = 0.0
End If
if (count_2 = Second * 5.0) Then
count_2 = 0.0
End If
Call Sleep(0.02) 'in this task 50 times a second.
End Sub
Internal error
Thanks for letting us know. We have located the source of the problem and fixed it internally. In the mean time, you can work around the problem like this:
This works because the compiler doesn't know the value of float1 where it is added to count_1. This workaround is not effective, however, within Main() since the compiler knows the value of float1 and will attempt to generate the increment code (which it shouldn't do).
We should be able to get a corrected version posted fairly quickly.
Code: Select all
Dim float1 as Single
Sub Main()
float1 = 1.0
End Sub
Sub Scheduler()
Dim count_1 As Single
count_1 = count_1 + float1
End Sub
We should be able to get a corrected version posted fairly quickly.
- Don Kinzer