It's been quite a while since I've touched a ZX device, so forgive me if I've missed something elementary.
A recently delivered 1281n development board, powered via USB, correctly ran the 'Hello World' application when first powered on. After uploading a small application (Code: 7234 bytes), the application runs (off-board LED's respond correctly), but I can't seem to get anything from the console output. I've tried explicitly opening a com port, USB, RS-232, debug.print, console.write, console.writeline, and turned on 'Option SignOn', all to no avail.
I've removed my external hardware, and tried the above steps again with the same results. I've checked the Windows com port speed settings for the relevant ports and made sure they match the IDE.
Each time, the compile, download, and verification steps complete without error. After the 'Verification complete.' message, nothing further is heard from the serial port using either the IDE or a 3rd party terminal application (putty).
1281n Dev board no console output
After a days worth of head scratching, this did, in fact, end up being something simple.
I had assumed that the default setting was Com 1, and never explicitly told it to use anything else. Mystery solved.
Code: Select all
Option Console Com2