It looks like an easy way to interface to the internet .
I have a project that uses ZX40s as the heart and added a ESP8266 with the stock AT firmware , i am able to connect to with the AT commands , but cannot get the server to accept the data .
Any insight ?
Code: Select all
Const EndST as string = chr(13) & chr(10) ' ESP CR & LF
Const SSIDST as String = "Kairamonni"
Const WifiKeyST as string = "Password"
Dim ESPsanomaST as BoundedString(255)
Dim ESPpituusB as byte
Debug.Print "AT" ; EndST;
Debug.Print "ATE0" ; EndST; ' No echo
Debug.Print "AT+CWMODE=1" ; EndST;
Debug.Print "AT+CWJAP=" ; chr(34) ; SSIDST ; chr(34) ; "," ; chr(34) ; WifiKeyST ; chr(34) ; EndST;
Debug.Print "AT+CIPSTART=" ; chr(34) ; "TCP" ; chr(34) ; "," ; chr(34) ; "" ; chr(34) ; ",80" ; EndST; ' Connect
ESPsanomaST = "GET /api/v2/KriPrak/feeds/bastu.1/data?limit=1&x-aio-key=aio_fPIO48jHefjE4lNhYSi HTTP/1.0" ' Data to send
ESPpituusB = cbyte(len(ESPsanomaST)) + cbyte(len(EndST)) ' Calc length
Debug.Print "AT+CIPSEND=" ; cstr(ESPpituusB) ; EndST; ' Send & Receive